Monday, September 14, 2009

look out for vultures

Every day I get so many emails inviting me to join this or claiming they have the answer to help me make a million dollars. Some claim that if you pay $27.00 or $16.00, they will forward the 9 secret steps to success. You pay the x amount of dollars and excitedly open the email that contains the "secret" and it ends up being mostly things that you already know already. Don't get me wrong, there are some real genuine helpful people out there but most are to make something off of the desperation of others.

There is no magical recipe for success. There are many things that contribute to success. The main things is a unwavering determination. When I first got into the business I am in now, I saw the potential in this business...I was excited and than determined. Along the way, I have read things about the company that some had written that claimed it was a scam. I've also had some friends tell me that it's not going to work. That could have been the end of my excitement and determination but it wasn't. This always those that scream "fraud" I bet non of them have ever experienced true freedom through success.

I see with my team, determination and excitement is contagious. I know we will succeed. It's also important to be a true leader and build everyone on your team to become a true leader. A true leader is one that seeks to build others around them up. They are there for you through the good times and the bad. Nobody gets left behind. They know the true value of building strong relationships. My upline as well as my downline in my business are part of my team and we all work together. If one is struggling with doubt or getting people to listen, we are there to support. Some of our team members are accross the country or in another country and we still support through video phone or travelling there. After all the team is as strong as your weakest link. So success comes from a commitment to each other.

Determination, belief in your product and company and a commitment to your team mates, those are the ingredients that have helped us.

Don't quit 3 months in when you don't see the results and hook into a team that is committed to seeing you succeed!

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